12. 05. — 15. 05. 2014
NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Managing Terrorism Threats to Critical Infrastructure – Challenges for South Eastern Europe"
Institut za korporativne varnostne študije (ICS-Ljubljana) skupaj z Univerzo EDUCONS (Sremska Kamenica, Vojvodina) organiziral NATO Advanced Research Workshop, ki ga razpisuje zveza NATO v okviru programa "NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme". Konferenca z delovnim naslovom "Managing Terrorism Threats to Critical Infrastructure – Challenges for South Eastern Europe", se je odvila v terminu od 12. do 15. maja 2014 v Beogradu.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Time | Activity |
All day | Arrival of participants |
19:00 – 21:00 | Welcome reception hosted by Conference Co-directors |
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Time | Activity |
09:30 – 10:30 | International conference Opening Ceremony Chair: Dr. Denis Čaleta Opening speeches: - Dr. Milan Janković, president Belgrade Chamber of Commerce - Dr. Aleksandar Andrejević Rector of the University EDUCONS - Dr. Denis Čaleta – High representative of Institute for Corporative Security Studies - Dr. Vesela Radović – Dean Faculty of Faculty of Applied Security - DDr. Teodora Ivanuša, member of ISEG (International Scientific Evaluation Group which is part of NATO SPS - Science for Peace and Security) - Introduction to the concept of the NATO ARW |
10:30 – 10:45 | Photo Session |
10:45 – 11:15 | Coffee Break and Press conference |
11:15 – 12:45 | Conference Panel 1 – COOPERATION AND COORDINATION CHALLENGES IN THE PROTECTION OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: DDr. Teodora Ivanuša - Cross-Sectoral Scanning of Critical Infrastructure: Slovenia’s Lessons Learned? – Dr. Denis Čaleta, Mr. Aljoša Kandžič (Slovenia) - Contemporary aspects to protection of the critical infrastructure - SEE Countries' Cooperation as One of the Key Factors/Elements in Answering the Challenge of Managing Terrorism Threats to Critical Infrastructure – Mrs. Maria Žužek, MSc., Mr. Branimir Mandić (RACVIAC) |
12:45– 13:45 | Lunch |
13:45 – 15:15 | Conference Panel 2 – PUBLIC-PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP IN COUNTERING THREATS TO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Vesela Radović - Toward Requsite Holism of Content of The Term Critical Infrastructure – Provocation number two – DDr. Ivanuša Teodora, Dr. Iztok Podbregar (Slovenia) - Critical infrastructure protection and public-private partnership: legal framework and public-private cooperation in Croatia – Dr. Vlatko Cvrtila, Dr. Anita Perešin (Croatia) - Outsourcing as important source of risk in dealing with terrorist threats – Mr. Miran Vršec, MSc., Dr. Milan Vršec, Mr. Vito Murgel, MBA (Slovenia) |
15:15 – 15:45 | Coffee Break |
15:45 – 17:45 | Conference Panel 3 – RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION Chair: Dr. Vlatko Cvrtila - Risk management of terrorist attack on tunnel infrastructure critical point - Transeuropean highway coridor 5c across Bosnia and Herzegovina – Dr. Samir Agić, Mr. Edin Garaplija, MSc, (BiH) - Corruption: From Generally Accepted Business Practice to serious threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection – Dr. Jaka Vadnjal (Slovenia) - TNTD/ATU activities highlighting the regional perspective of the protecting Critical Infrastructure – Mr. Laszlo Szuch (OSCE) - Safety & Security Assessment to Prevent Terrorism Attack in Centralized Facility for Radioactive Waste Management in Albania - Dr. Luan Qafmolla (Albania) |
18:30 – 20:00 | Dinner |
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Time | Activity |
09:00 – 10:30 | Conference Panel 4 – TERRORIST THREATS TO ENVIRONMENTAL RELATED TO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATION Chair: Dr. Stojan Slaveski - Environmental Terrorism as a threat on Serbian water infrastructure sector-through the glance of regional perspective – Dr. Vesela Radović, Dr. Aleksandar Andrejević (Serbia) - Assuring food security in agricultural production in the Republic of Bulgaria in conditions of general globalization – Dr. Katya Arabska, Dr. Ivanka Shopova (Bulgaria) - Bioterrorism as a threat to food supply systems - Dr. Elizabeta Ristanović, Dr. Sonja Radaković (Serbia) |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:00 – 12:30 | Conference Panel 5 – NATIONAL APPROACHES TO PROTECTION CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Zoran Keković - Terrorist threats to critical infrastructure in BiH and protection measures – Dr. Mile Šikman, Dr. Nevenko Vranješ (BiH) - Protection of the critical infrastructure from terrorism: Case study on the example of the Republic of Croatia – Dr. Jadran Perinić, Dr. Robert Mikac (Croatia) - Challenges in defining Critical Infrastructure in Montenegro – Mr. Milan Bigovič, Mrs. Ana Rakočević (Montenegro) |
12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch |
13:30 – 15:00 | Conference Panel 6 – ENERGY SECURITY AS A KEY FACTOR OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION Chair: Dr. Robert Mikac - Tailor made education: environmental vs. Energy security and sustainable development paradigm - Dr. Vesna Nikolić, Dr. Dejan Vasovic (Serbia) - NATO and energy security challenges in SE Europe – Dr. George Protopapas (Greece) - The Austrian Approach to the Protection of Critical Infrastructure: the APCIP - Dr. Arnold H. Kammel (Austria) |
15:00 – 15:30 | Coffee Break |
15:30 – 17:00 | Conference Panel 7 – CYBER THREATS TO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Metodi Hadži-Janev - Improving Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience against Terrorism Cyber Threats – Dr. Sandro Bologna, Dr. Alessandro Lazari, Dr. Stefano Mele (Italy) - ICT vulnerability and safety of CNI – Dr. Krunoslav Antoliš, Mr. Petar Miščević, Mrs. Ana Miličević, MSc. (Croatia) - Use of the Enhanced Structural Model for Attack Analysis and Education – Mr. Blaž Ivanc, MSc., Dr. Tomaž Klobučar (Slovenia) |
18:00 – 19:00 | Dinner |
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Time | Activity |
08:30 – 10:00 | Conference Panel 8 – CLASIFIED INFORMATION PROTECTION AS IMPORTANT FACTOR TO THE PROTECITION OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Jaka Vadnjal - Protecting critical Information Infrastructure from terrorist attack in South East Europe: How Real is the Threat? – Dr. Metodi Hadži Janev (The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) - Protection of classified information related to Critical Infrastructure – Mr. Milan Tarman, MSc (Slovenia) - Security of classified information as part of the national critical infrastructure protection: Macedonian experience - Dr. Stojan Slaveski, Dr. Oliver Bakreski (The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) |
10:00 – 10:20 | Coffee Break |
10:20 – 11:50 | Conference Discussion Panel 9 – RISK OF TERRORISM AND VIOLENT EKSTREMISM AS THREAT TO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Sandro Bologna - Risk of terrorist and violent extremist attacks against schools: role of public dialogue – Dr. Petra Papiezova-Vejvodova, Dr. Miroslav Mareš (Czech Republic) - Towards Resilient Critical Infrastructure System against Terrorism Risk– Dr. Zoran Keković (Serbia), Mr. Vladimir Ninković, Dr. Zoran Dragišić (Serbia) - Intelligence-led cross-border co-operation for detecting attacks risks against crtitical infrastructures- Dr. Valerio de Divitiis (Italy) |
11:50 – 12:05 | Coffee Break |
12:05 – 13:10 | Conference Panel 10 – THE ROLE OF CONSEQUENCE MANAGEMENT IN THE PROTECTION OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Katya Arabska - Potential vulnerability and threats of natural disasters or malicious human activity to the water supply network: a case study of Chernivtsi, Ukraine – Dr. Igor Winkler (Ukraine) - Coping With Environmental Terrorism in Romania - Dr. Liviu-Daniel Galatchi, Dr. Marian Tudor (Romania) |
13:10 – 13:25 | CONCLUDING SESSION Chairs: Dr. Denis Čaleta & Dr. Vesela Radović, Co-directors |
13:40 – 14:40 | Lunch |
15:00 – | Departure of participants |
Conference participants
- Dr. Samir AGIĆ, Ministry for Interior, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dr. Aleksandar ANDREJEVIĆ, Rector of Univeristiy EDUCONS, Serbia
- Dr. Krunoslav ANTOLIŠ - Police College, Police Academy, Ministry of Interior, Croatia
- Dr. Katya ARABSKA - University of Agribusiness and Rural Development – Plovdiv (UARD), Bulgaria
- Mr. Milan BIGOVIĆ, Department for Military Intelligence and Security Affairs (DMISA) MOD, Montenegro
- Dr. Sandro BOLOGNA, Italian Association of experts on Critical Infrastructures, Italy
- Dr. Vlatko CVRTILA - University VERN, Croatia
- Dr. Denis ČALETA, Institute for Corporate Security Studies, ICS-Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Dr. Valerio DE DIVITIIS, ITSTIME Catholic University, Italy
- Dr. Metodia DOJČINOVSKI, Military Academy, Ministy of Defence, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Dr. Liviu-Daniel GALATCHI, Ovidius University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, in Constanta, Romania
- Mr. Edin GARAPLIJA, MSc., Ministry of Interior, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dr. Metodi HADŽIJANEV, Social Science Department at the Military Academy, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Mr. Blaž IVANC, MSc., ICS Centre for Intormation Security, Slovenia
- Dr. Teodora IVANUŠA, Faculty of Logistic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Mr. Aljoša KANDŽIČ, Slovenian Corporate Security Association, Slovenia
- Dr. Zoran KEKOVIĆ, Faculty of Security Studies, Serbia
- Dr. Vesna NIKOLIĆ, Faculty of Working environment protection, Univerity of Niš, Serbia
- Dr. Robert MIKAC - National Protection and Rescure Directorate, Croatia
- Dr. Luan QAFMOLLA - Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics (CANP), Tirana, Albania
- Dr. Ivanka SHOPOVA - Agro-ecologic centre at Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Dr. Ferdinand ODZAKOV, Director of Intelligence and Security Service MOD, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Dr. Petra PAPIEZOVA-VEJVODOVA - Department of political science Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Dr. Jadran PERINIĆ - National Protection and Rescure Directorate, Croatia
- Dr. George X. PROTOPAPAS, Research Institute of European and American Studies (RIEAS), Greece
- Dr. Vesela RADOVIĆ, Faculty of Applied Security, Serbia
- Mrs. Ana RAKOČEVIĆ, Ministry of Informational society and telecommunication, Montenegro
- Dr. Kacper REKAWEK, Polish Institute of International Affairs, Poland
- Dr. Elizabeta RISTANOVIĆ, University of Defence, Serbia
- Dr. Stojan SLAVESKI, Faculty for Detectives and CriminologyEuropean University, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Mr. Laszlo SZUCS, Transnational Threats Department / Action against Terrorism Unit (TNTD/ATU), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
- Dr. Mile ŠIKMAN, Ministry of Interior Republic of Srbska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dr. Jaka VADNJAL - Faculty for Entrepreneurship/GEA College, Slovenia
- Mr. Milan TARMAN, MSc., National Security Authority in Slovenia, Slovenia
- Dr. Dragan TRIVAN, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Serbian Corporate Security Association, Serbia
- Dr. Nevenko VRANJEŠ, Faculty of Political Science Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mr. Miran VRŠEC, MSc., Institute for Corporate Security Studies, ICS-Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Dr. Milan VRŠEC, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Mrs. Marija ŽUŽEK, Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC)
- Dr. Igor WINKLER, National University of Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Povzetek in knjiga
Povzetek in knjiga
Organizacijski in programski odbor
Dr. Denis Čaleta
Institute for Corporative Seurity Studies, ICS-Ljubljana
Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Vesela Radović
Faculty of Applied Security, University EDUCONS
Sremska Kamenica, Vojvodina, Serbia
Dr. Iztok Podbregar
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
University of Maribor
Kotnikova 8
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Anita Perešin
University of Zagreb
Centre for Croatian Studies
Borongajska 83d
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Mr. Aljoša Kandžič
Institute for Corporate Seurity Studies, ICS-Ljubljana
Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 31 312 819
Dogodek se bo odvil v hotelu Zira v Beogradu, Srbija (povezava).
Navodila za pisanje povzetkov in prispevkov
5. maj 2014 - Administrative Procedures - ARW Belgrade
11. January 2014 - Letter to key-speakers
(glej priloge)
Instructions for Authors
Authors are expected to prepare and submit a completed paper by 25 April 2014 to co-directors of the NATO ARW (denis.caleta@ics-institut.si and veselaradovic@yahoo.com). The paper must be written in error free English and in accordance with style and format rules. After the submission your paper will go to a peer review. After the peer review authors will be asked to finalize their papers and resubmit it to the co-directors of the NATO ARW. Papers will be published in an edited book by ISO Press publishing company by the end of 2014.
(glej priloge)
Najava posveta
The Institute for Corporate Security Studies (ICS-Ljubljana), Slovenia and the Faculty of Applied Security, University EDUCONS, Vojvodina, Serbia are organising a NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Managing Terrorism threats to Critical Infrastructure – Challenges for SE Europe" which will take place on 12 – 15 May, 2014 in Belgrade, Serbia.
The purpose of proposed workshop is to contribute to the critical assessment of existing knowledge on the terrorism threats to Critical infrastructure as new important topic and even more important form of threat to the national and global stability. In planned workshop the aims to identify directions for future researching will be met. Critical infrastructure protection is a significant topic and effort in emerging democracies and post-conflict states. Furthermore, close working relationships between governmental representatives, scientists, experts, public/state administration and civil society is aimed to be improved in sense of acceptable solutions for the reduction of terrorist threats to Critical infrastructure at national and international level.
Objectives of the Workshop are the establishment of network of researchers and experts in the areas of countering terrorist threats in the region of South Eastern Europe, exchange of the new ideas and identification of more efficient responses to the terrorist threats to Critical infrastructure and identification of directions for future research and educational cooperation in the region.