09. 04. — 11. 04. 2013

Mednarodna konferenca z naslovom »Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Enhancing Border Security Processes«


Dogodek bo potekal v organizaciji Instituta za korporativne varnostne študije, George Marshall Centra in Slovenske policije.

Tokratna rdeča nit srečanja je namena:

  • Build and sustain a networked community of academics, practitioners, and policy makers in the domain of homeland defense.
  • Develop a network of key governmental officials with shared experiences and common understandings, in positions of influence and with a particular interest in combating transnational organized crime, by fostering the formation of active networks of professionals in order to enhance regional and global information sharing and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.
  • Open a dialogue and share regional and international approaches for addressing emerging 21st century security challenges including asymmetric threats from transnational criminal trafficking organizations.

Pomembni datumi:

07. april 2013 - Zadnji možen rok za prijavo na mednarodno konferenco oz. do zapolnitve prostih mest.

07. april 2013 - Končni program in podrobne informacije o konferenci. Po e-pošti.

09-11. april 2013 - Mednarodna konferenca.

Udeležba na dogodku je samo na podlagi posebnega vabila. Zainteresirani posamezniki dobite vse informacije o višini kotizacije in udeležbi na dogodku na naslovu info@ics-institut.si.
