Oborožene sile in terorizem v luči konfliktov 21. stoletja

Družba postaja z razvojem informacijske in drugih tehnologij vedno bolj zapletena in ranljiva. Živimo v družbi vedno večjega tveganja, saj imajo pozitivne razsežnosti razvoja tudi mnoge izjemno negativne posledice, ki se v ekstremni obliki lahko izrazijo s stopnjevanjem ogrožanja posameznikove, nacionalne ali mednarodne varnosti. Nesluten razvoj tehnologije je vsekakor prinesel napredek na vseh segmentih delovanja družbe. Na drugi strani pa je ta odvisnost družbe od delovanja tehnoloških sistemov le to postavila v položaj zelo velike odvisnosti, kjer lahko že majhne motnje v delovanju teh sistemov predstavljajo za delovanje družbe pomembne posledice. Odvisnost družbe od delovanja te infrastrukture pa ima ravno zaradi tega očitne neposredne in posredne učinke na njeno ogrožanje in predstavlja zelo privlačen cilj delovanja različnih terorističnih skupin. Teroristična dejanja, ki so imela v preteklosti lokalne značilnosti, s svojimi novimi pojavnimi oblikami, ravno zaradi te soodvisnosti dobijo globalne razsežnosti.

Misli knjigi na proti:

Mr. Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator

The protection of our critical infrastructure is a central element of our security policy in general and our Counter terrorism activities in particular - in the Member States and at the EU level. Past events show that terrorists try to strike where we are most vulnerable. In our modern and highly connected societies this means also our infrastructures, for example in the field of aviation. Therefore we have make special efforts to protect the infrastructures that are vital to our daily life, especially in the fields of energy, transport and IT and communications.

Within the core framework of the EU counter terrorism strategy - but also beyond - in the areas of cyber security, research and innovation and transportation, the EU is active and promotes dialogue on how to enhance security for our citizens and for and with industry. This needs a comprehensive approach and strong cooperation of all players, in state administration, in the private sector and in research and academia. A lot has been achieved in recent years, in the Member States and at EU level - by means of research and innovation, preparedness and regulation. But due to the evolving threat and the complexity of our modern infrastructures, this is a field that needs our continuous attention.

Dr. Ljubica Jelušič, Minister of DefenseRepublic of Slovenia

Today's modern society depends entirely on a smooth functioning of high technology, which makes it increasingly vulnerable. Terrorist threats are becoming more and more concentrated on the functioning of critical infrastructure. This provides us with a warning that a more effective and complex dealing with the risks related to the functioning and protection of critical infrastructure will be required in the future. The authors of the book have opened several dilemmas and, by providing various views, they offer a number of possibilities to search for the right solutions in the protection of critical infrastructure in the future.

Dr. Iztok Podbregar, Full Professor

Critical infrastructure is of vital importance for the development of the society, culture, organisation and individuals. It does not only offer logistic support for successful functioning of individual states, but also builds a substantively quality relationship among individual entities.Terrorism, as a medium for breaking successful development and functioning, is directly or indirectly oriented towards critical infrastructure.

The book provides an insight of different authors into various areas, cultures and organisations involved in the fight against terrorism, and contributes to the construction of critical infrastructure.

Dr. Gregor Veselko, President of the Management Board, Port of Koper

Very often, the infrastructure of national importance is really considered "critical" only when something serious occurs to it, threatening the vitality of key national functions. The subject of protecting and securing such infrastructure should and must therefore not be of lateral importance. It should be considered an extremely important organisational function in the companies vitally important for the country and the surroundings. At Luka Koper, we are well aware of this importance and therefore devote appropriate attention to this subject area. Our assistance and ideas also derive from practical and scientific initiatives developed by the experts at ICS. The present monograph provides the readers with a number of responses to security challenges and thereby gains an important applied value.