Corporate security in dynamic global environment - challenges and risks

UVODNIK - doc. dr. Denis Čaleta

V sodobni družbi tveganj in ogrožanj je varnost dobrina, katera potrebuje vse več pozornosti in sistemskega pristopa. Ustrezen sistemski pristop pri zagotavljanju varnosti v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah javnega in zasebnega okolja prinaša koristi, ki se odražajo na področju konkurenčnosti, sposobnosti preživetja in razvoja v zelo zahtevnih finančnih okoliščinah ter zagotavlja ustrezno delovanje organizacije v stalno spreminjajočem se varnostnem okolju, obremenjenim z najrazličnejšimi oblikami varnostnih tveganj in groženj. Dinamične spremembe okolja v katerem delujejo organizacije javnega in zasebnega sektorja so nas pripeljale do zavedanja, da je nemogoče v celoti zagotoviti celovito varnost poslovnih procesov. Prisiljeni smo v stalno prilagajanje in neprekinjeno ocenjevanje tveganj in groženj, ki ogrožajo nemoteno delovanje naših organizacij. Te ocene so tista potrebna podlaga, ki nam v naslednjih korakih omogoča, da na podlagi naših virov in sposobnosti izvedemo ustrezne ukrepe, kateri zagotavljajo obvladovanje varnostnih in drugih tveganj na zadostnem nivoju. Družbene napetosti, ki jih globalna gospodarska kriza in kriza vrednot samo še potencira, niso dobra popotnica, da bi lahko govorili o zmanjšanju ali odpravi groženj in tveganj kot so mednarodni terorizem in organizirani kriminal. Nikakor pa ne smemo zanemariti tudi naravnih in drugih nesreč, ki so postale zaradi degradacije okolja stalnica in realno zelo pomemben dejavnik vpliva na proces neprekinjenega delovanja naših organizacij.

Neprekinjenost poslovanja, varovanje ključnih informacij, varnost delovnega in življenjskega okolja, so tisti nujni predpogoji, ki zagotavljajo, da organizacija lahko učinkovito deluje in se razvija. V primeru večjih multinacionalnih korporacij je ravno zaradi njihovega globalnega nastopanja zagotavljanje ustreznega nivoja varnosti še toliko zahtevnejši proces. Upravljanje korporativne varnosti mora biti sistemsko vodeno in sicer z upoštevanjem celega niza zunanjih in notranjih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na učinkovitost tega procesa.


Radovan Žerjav, M.Sc.
Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Republic of Slovenia

In this world, not everything always goes as planned. Globalisation has changed the structure of corporate life. Continuous advances in technology mean security risks are becoming more complex, and threats such as terrorism, organised crime and information security are making the business environment more difficult to manage. As a result, security has a higher profile in the corporate world today than it did few years ago. The authors of this book aim to improve corporate security awareness and encourage organisations to take security issues into account in their everyday actions and decisions.

Nataša Pirc Musar,
Information Commissioner, Republic of Slovenia

Data security is one of the key elements which make a company excellent and respected in its field. Namely, how we take care of the data (being personal or any other) shows the companies' attitude towards customers and employees. As the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia I always emphasize that personal data should be processed and protected with the same care as any sensitive corporate secret. In order to achieve the perfection all the responsible people within a company should be aware beforehand what kind of data is in their hands and what are the best ways to handle and secure them. And never forget how important the regime of access rights is and have a regular internal supervision to check how employees with access use or abuse this right. del odgovorov na zapisane pomembne dileme vsebuje tudi pričujoča knjiga This book also give us part of the answers on this important dilemmas.

Milan Tarman, MSc,
Director of NSA Republic of Slovenia

In the modern society of risks and threats, security needs an increasing amount of attention and a systemic approach also in the field the protection of classified information. Namely relevant measures for the protection of classified information not just between public entities but also between commercial companies and organisations in cases where contracts and the awarding of contracts contain or are related to classified information. In such cases security covers the use of security measures and procedures required to prevent, detect and return the loss or to prevent the compromise of classified documents, which are at the disposal of the contractor or sub-contractor during negotiations prior to the award of contracts and during the implementation of the secret contract or secret subcontract. Also at our area of work special attention is given to international cooperation, education and events like this conference as the effective way for resolving the current security problems.

It gives me great pleasure to recommend this international scientific conference and scientific papers made in context of it.

Goran Matić, LLM,
Director of Serbian NSA

Taking into account the security challenges, risks and threats characteristic of the 21st century, as well as security organizations that is development, position and importance of corporative (private) security, as one of the most relevant segments of the present-day security sectors, it gives me great pleasure to recommend this collection of papers to prospective readers.


Corporate security in dynamic global environment – challenges and risks


Editorial – Denis Čaleta

Section 1: Strategic environment and corporative security

  1. The role of geopolitics and geoeconomics in providing corporate security – Denis Čaleta
  2. Strategic partnerships for the development of private security and corporate security – Miran Vršec
  3. Managing business, security and other risks in multinational companies – Milan Vršec

Section 2: Cyber Threats to Corporate Security

  1. Cyber ​​threats to critical national infrastructure- Krunoslav Antoliš
  2. The Critical infrastructure: Assessing threats and vulnerabilities from the real world and cyberspace – Aleš Kotnik
  3. The impact of the national security information regulation framework on cyber security in global environment - Aleksandar Klaić, Anita Perešin

Section 3: Personnel as a key factor to security in multinational corporative environment

  1. Integrating the concept of safety and security culture in the corporate security –
Svetlana Stanarević, Jasmina Gačić, Vladimir JakovljevićCorporate resources threatened by social engineering - Goran J. Mandić, Zoran Jeftić,Miroslav MladenovićThe individual and security - Brane Bertoncelj

Section 4: Control mechanisms in the corporate environment

  1. Economic Impact of the War Again Terrorism: The threats and Opportunities for the Global Economy - Jaka Vadnjal
  2. Internal audit and their role in risk management - Mojca Ferjančič Podbregar, Andrej Anžič

Section 5: Standardization processes in corporate security

  1. Standardization of security risk assessment - Serbian approach - Zoran Keković, Mladen Milosevic, Nenad Komazec
  2. Biometrics efficiency for corporative information security providing- Robert Brumnik, Iztok Podbregar, Teodora Ivanuša

Section 6: Environmental and Societal dimension and influence to corporate security – national perspectives

  1. An Influence of Societal Dimensions on Risk management – Dušan Marinčič
  2. Improving Corporate Sector’s Responses to Extreme Weather Events in the Republic of Serbia – Vesela Radović, Zoran Keković
  3. Corporate safety in the Republic of Serbia: overview and prospects – Dragan Trivan
  4. Changing the Image of Corporate Security in Macedonia: Could Macedonian Corporate Security Legacy Cope With The Global Market And Security Trends? - Metodi Hadži-Janev






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